Cheat Engine Wikia

UPDATE: Download links:

SAS 4 Elite Trainer!TRwgnCqK!Vlwq0-iul3B7Jt4zX2ETA_wnpZOmMK2m8huoDcni-jM

SAS 4 MP Stats Trainer!uVx2gDga!TW4vu3vX9QHkjaL5cmaURRdqVRtcUSZXFxCAU9gLMrs

This is just a text version of the SAS 4 Elite trainer.

How to Use: Simply paste the code into a txt file and rename it to a CT file.

The AoBs are also in the file, so you can just copy and paste it.

Long Version:

1. Copy the contents into a notepad.

2. Use notepad's "save as", and save as "all files" and name it to hacks.ct.

3. Install Cheat Engine.

4. Double click on the CT file. If you have cheat engine, it should pop up.

NOTE: This trainer is working. If you need help using it, search online for a tutorial. One example is
